The CERN Knowledge Transfer fund is a tool to bridge the gap between research and industry. Through a competitive process, it selects innovative projects based on a CERN technology with high potential for impact in another field than high-energy physics, with potential for positive impact on society. Established in 2011, the fund is supported through revenues from commercial agreements concluded by CERN's Knowledge Transfer group. It aims to fund projects that would otherwise not be funded by CERN funding which only covers R&D projects related to high-energy physics.

The selection committee meets once to twice a year. Please send your proposals at any time, depending on the proposals we receive, we may reschedule the meeting in the coming months.

Application deadline: 31 March 2025
Selection committee: 8 May 2025 (please reserve the afternoon to present your project)

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KT Fund application deadline:

31 March 2025

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Apply for the Medical Applications budget

Learn more about the Knowledge Transfer fund