BIC Network

BIC Network

CERN has established a network of ten Business Incubation Centres (BICs) throughout its Member States, to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses in taking CERN technologies and expertise to the market.

In practice, CERN supports the selected companies through technical visits to CERN, technical consultancy and services, and preferential rate licensing of CERN intellectual property. The BIC managers provide office-space, expertise, business support, access to local and national networks, and support in accessing finance.

Please find the criterias for becoming a BIC of CERN technologies here.

How can companies enter a CERN BIC?

Are you an entrepreneur or a startup company? Could CERN technology solve your needs? Perhaps you qualify to enter a CERN BIC. Here is how to find out.

1) Browsing

Most of the CERN Technology Portfolio is presented online. Browse through it, see if you find what you are looking for. No luck? Get in touch with the Knowledge Transfer Group.

2) First contact

Get in touch with the BIC you want to join. After a first screening you will be put in touch with CERN.

3) Technology match

Together with CERN experts you will get to know the technology better, making sure it suits your needs.

4) Official application

Each BIC has its own tailored application process.

Accent BIC

The Austrian BIC of CERN technologies is managed by accent Inkubator GmbH and is located in Wiener Neustadt near Vienna.


The French BIC of CERN technologies is managed by La Communauté de Communes du Pays de Gex and is located in the Saint-Genis Pouilly Technoparc.

Patras Science Park BIC

The Greek BIC of CERN technologies is managed by Patras Science Park S.A. and is located in Patras Science Park, in Patras NW Peloponnese.


The Italian BIC network of CERN technologies is managed by the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), composed of local offices in already established Italian BICs.


The Dutch BIC network is managed by the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (NIKHEF) and hosted at the Amsterdam Science Park.


The Spanish BIC network of CERN technologies is managed by the Spanish Science Industry Association, INEUSTAR, composed of local offices in already established Spanish BICs.


The Swiss BIC of CERN technologies is managed by innovAARE AG and is located at PARK INNOVAARE in Villigen.


The UK BIC of CERN technologies is managed by The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and is located across two sites: the Daresbury Laboratory on the Sci Tech Daresbury Campus in Cheshire and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories.


The Lithuanian BIC of CERN technologies is managed by the Lithuanian Innovation Centre (LIC) and is located across two sites: The Vilnius Sunrise Valley and Kaunas Science and Technology Park.

Sofia Tech Park BIC

The Bulgarian BIC of CERN technologies is managed by Sofia Tech Park in Sofia.