For the General Public

CERN is publicly funded by its 23 Member States and Associate Member States. Find out below about how this investment creates a positive impact on society.

Success stories

The High Energy Ventilator (HEV), first prototyped in March 2020 by a team of physicists from the LHCb collaboration, was designed as a fully functional, high-quality medical ventilator for use in and out of intensive care units.
As part of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a team led by physicists and engineers from the LHCb collaboration has proposed a design for a novel ventilator.

The Hyperloop competition, intiated by SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk, sets the challenge of devising a pod-like transportation system travelling at sonic or even ultrasonic speeds in high-vacuum tubes over several hundreds of kilometres - reducing travel times from hours to minutes.

IGLUNA is an educational project aimed at investigating the realisation of a human habitat on the moon. 18 student teams from all over Europe, built several technology demonstrators for this habitat.
A2O Innovation Solutions is a start-up providing technologies for weight reduction, operational efficiency and CO2 emission reduction mainly targeted at the transport sector.
CERN signed a knowledge transfer agreement with the company ETM, a 100% owned subsidiary of Siemens AG.
CERN started manufacturing face masks and shields early on during the pandemic.
The following CERN irradiation facilities will be part of CERN-ESA protocol on radiation testing: IRRAD, CERF, n_TOF, and CALLAB.
In March 2018, experts from ESA and IROC Technologies came to perform tests in VESPER.

Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

Using BioDynaMo to Study Virus Spread in Closed Environments | BioDynamo

(Switzerland/English) Viral contamination between individuals is enlarged in closed environments...

PRISMAP - Substantial change to the European landscape for novel and emerging medical radionuclides | PRISMAP

(English) Nuclear therapy and molecular imaging are widely used at hospitals for new promising...

CERN and Life Sciences in Western Switzerland and worldwide | BioAlps

(Switzerland / English) BioAlps, the Regional Innovation System of Western Switzerland, features...

De­tec­tor mea­sures cos­mic ra­di­a­tion on the Zugspitze | DLR German Aerospace Center

(Germany / English) Timepix3 was developed to detect elementary particles at CERN. It was then...

What measures can be taken to reduce the spread of aerosols in schools? | RTS

(Switzerland / French) This question is answered by a team of researchers from the Institute of...

Robotic computed tomography – removing NDT barriers for composites| CompositesWorld

(United States / English) Radalytica uses collaborative robots, ultra-sensitive X-ray photon...

A look back at the very first website ever launched, 30 years later| NPR

(United States / English) The first website contained information about the World Wide Web Project...

Three startups compete for Swiss BIC of CERN Technologies’ prize |

(Switzerland / English) Swiss Business Incubation Centre (BIC) of CERN Technologies has selected...

The First Czech Product Will Reach the Moon | Prague

Czech company ADVACAM will help answer one of the most important questions of space travel: “How to...