Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.
(Switzerland / French) CERN: spécificités du transfert de connaissances et de technologies
(France / French) Le CERN veut faciliter le transfert de technologie
(English) Visium helps its clients identify and seize their highest-value opportunities in Machine...
(France / Français) Festival Transfo: Les start-ups gessiennes sont venues parler du numérique
(English) The GaToroid design could provide a lightweight and compact gantry for hadron therapy.
(Italian) Un ’intelligenza’ da democratizzare
(Ukrainian) 11 technologies that surprised the world in 2018.
(English) Quantum Detectors in Oxford, UK, is one of three companies that are building electron...
(Switzerland / English) SecuraXis is honored to be the first startup of the Business Incubation...