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CERN is publicly funded by its 23 Member States and Associate Member States. Find out below about how this investment creates a positive impact on society.

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Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

CERN and ESA join forces in harsh environments | CERN Courier

(English) Strengthening connections between particle physics and related disciplines, CERN signed a...

CERN start-up develops a scanner for the security sector | Clubic

(France / French) Une start-up du célèbre CERN, baptisée Dynaxion, est en train de développer un...

Jupiter’s magnetic field simulated on Earth using CERN high-energy electron beam | Digital Trends

(English) To see how the JUICE hardware will handle this radiation, the ESA has borrowed the world’s...

The Nikhef spin-off Amsterdam Scientific Instruments raises funding | Link Magazine

(Netherlands / Dutch) Deze spin-off van Nikhef ontwikkelt cutting-edge camera’s voor...

INFN and CERN create Machina, a particle accelerator that inspects art works | Corriere della Sera

(Italy / Italian) Il “cannone” portatile che svela i segreti dell’arte

CERN inspires budding entrepreneurs to think outside the box |

(Switzerland / English) CERN inspires budding entrepreneurs to think outside the box.

X-ray images in full colour | Nature Reviews Physics

(English) Detector technologies developed at CERN can produce stunning colour X-ray computed...

How Particle Physics Research at CERN contributed to Medical Innovation’ | U.S. News

(English) WIPO has published the 12th edition of its Global Innovation Index. CERN has contributed...

A large cohort joins the “Swiss BIC of CERN Technologies” startup competition |

(Switzerland / English) Six startups have been selected to join the Phase II of the Swiss Business...