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Media Gallery

Recent Media Coverage of CERN's Knowledge Transfer Activities.

In Zermatt, students test solutions for living on the moon | Radio Télévision Suisse

(Switzerland / Français) Première collaboration entre des universités et l'ESA, le projet Igluna...

CERN start-up announced as finalist in $1.55M challenge for new solutions to detect opioids in international mail | White House (Press Release)

(United States / English) 8 Finalists Announced in $1.55M Challenge for New Solutions to Detect...

Medipix Meeting Report | Česká televize

(Czechia / Czech) Medipix Meeting Report (Prague)

First 3D colour X-rays reveal human body in stunning detail | The Sun

(United Kingdom / English) First 3D colour X-rays reveal human body in stunning detail – and could...

How fundamental science research is helping to transform the world around us | New Electronics

(English) The symposium - “Particle Colliders – Accelerating Innovation” - was co-hosted by the...

The First 3D Color X-Rays | Tom Scott

(English) At the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, New Zealand, the team at Mars Bioimaging...

CERN reveals itself to the world | Le Temps

(Switzerland / French) Le centre européen de recherche en physique des particules, qui a donné...

How the CERN physics lab is supercharging European startups | Sifted

(English) The world's biggest physics lab runs startup accelerators all over Europe. But turning...

Technologies emerging from CERN | Globes

(Israel / Hebrew) עתיד מאיץ החלקיקים הגדול בעולם (CERN) נמצא כיום בצומת דרכים, ואירופה צריכה להחליט...